Our Hidden Barcelona (Part II)

Let´s continue with a tribute to our city based on the tastes of those who make up the Yurbban family. Our rallying cry ¨Live as a native¨ is a declaration of intent when it comes to traveling and also…to living!

If we expand on the first post regarding how we reflect our philosophy, from the minibar to our map and illustrating all the details of our hotels, we cannot forget #YurbbanHumans. Here we share some videos and short stories where we invite you to meet all the essential artists in the history of this house such as Diego Sampere and Antonio Yranzo. The creative talent of the city merits discovery and is infinite in nature.

One of the responsibles for the making of these videos is Marta, the Marketing Director, who reveals a very special way of living the city: “For me, Barcelona is like going barefoot.” She points out several lesser known and wonderful corners “to which I like to escape when I want to disconnect: the Botanical Gardens of Montjuïc, the Monastery of Pedralbes, enjoying a wine in Ànima de Vi or watching people fish in one of the beach piers.”

Her perfect plan in Barcelona is ¨getting up, showering and putting on comfortable shoes. Then, having a zucchini omelet sandwich for breakfast at the Café Dole (Sarriá). Strolling down through San Gervasi to Gracia and drinking a tea in Usuagui. Also, seeing an exposition in Palau Robert or in the Fundación Mapfre. Finally, enjoying lunch at Mon Viet, a Vietnamese restaurant on  Sepulveda Street.¨Get the agendas out, all the places are worth it.

Francesc, our Corporate Revenue Manager, tells us that his special place in Barcelona is ¨the Castle of Montjuïc. I love going up on foot from Plaza España and enjoying the views.¨His perfect plan is a walk from Plaza Urquinaona to the Born “taking black and white pictures like a madman with a good SLR.”  He also gives us two gastronomic tips: “Go all the way down until you reach Barceloneta and have a nice a beer at the Vaso de Oro and then eat some hearty rice in broth (arroz caldoso) at Mesón Barceloneta (old restaurant Peru).”

Rayco, in reception, tells us about a place not many people know about which, for him, holds special significance: ¨The area behind the MNAC, specifically three gardens: the gardens of Laribal, of Joan Maragall and of Joan Brossa. A secret and barely frequented enclave.¨

Carlos Andrés, receptionist and night auditor, adds ¨without a doubt, the Historical Botanical Gardens of Montjuïc are the perfect place to rest after visiting, for example, the Olympic area. I love to disconnect and read in this place, escaping the hustle and bustle of the city.¨  We´re definitely in favor of the botanical gardens of the cities, truly magical places.

Despite his youth, Jordi, our receptionist, has traveled a great deal and tells us: ¨I have lived and worked in several cities (Amsterdam, Ibiza, London, New York), all of them great cities with spectacular cultures and styles of living, where I have come to see and value the fact that Barcelona is undoubtedly the best city to live in for various reasons, among which: the lifestyle, socio-economic factors, climate, culture and identity just to name a few.¨ Jordi tells us about a seldom visited place, the Mirador dels Bombers (Vallvidrera).